I play what sets me on fire

RR* Casting

Born in Klagenfurt
university-entrance diploma
Studied acting
at the Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria,
at the Max Reinhardt Institute (graduated 1989) and
at the École Supérieure d’Art Dramatique du Théatre National de Strasbourg / France 1990
Theater Studies at the University of Vienna,
Dissertation on Eleonora Duse
„Candango“ brasilian film award, Brasilia 2003 “Best actress”
Television and film productions in Austria, Germany, and Brazil
Engagements at the Stadttheater Klagenfurt, the Theater in der Josefstadt, and the Staatstheater Stuttgart, among others
Casting information: Height: 174 cm, Eye color: blue
Languages: German, English, French
RR* Screenplay, Direction and Production
Also working as a filmmaker since 2003: www.rr-film.at
Information Sheet
This page provides the essential information for casting agents at a glance: a photograph, personal information, and a short list of engagements to date – all this on a DIN A4 page, in PDF format, ready to be printed out for the promotional packet.
The biography succinctly: