I play what sets me on fire

RR* Rezitation
Ruth Rieser is known for her bright and clear speaking voice in readings and recitations. She reads radio stories and features; she can sometimes be heard as the voice of the narrator in television documentaries; and she recites poetry for live audiences and in the recording studio.
One example of her work is her collaboration with an ensemble from the Vienna Symphonic Orchestra, which led to a CD entitled, “Ich wünsche dir Zeit,” (I Wish You Time), featuring poems and music.
On 1 June 2011, Ruth Rieser read texts from Ingeborg Bachmann as part of the “Long Night of Literature” at the City Theatre in Klagenfurt.
In front of the curtains, in the auditorium, a sound installation beckoned, “superbly read by Ruth Rieser”.
Press: Kleine Zeitung / Marianne Fischer, 1.6.2011 mehr >>>
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