I play what sets me on fire

RR* Film (Selections)
Lost Zweig >>>
Gebürtig (Native Born) >>>
Nach Norden (Northward) >>>
Schuld der Liebe (Love’s Guilt) >>>
The Joseph Trilogy >>>
Albrechts Flügel (Albrecht’s Wing) - Leading role, Directed by Jon Jost (unfinished), Austria 1994
Erde (Earth) - Directed by Helmut Wimmer, short film, Austria 1992
The more I see you >>>
An dich hab ich gedacht (It’s you I’ve been thinking of) - Leading role, Directed by W. Murnberger and M. Sturminger, Austria 1986
Schattenbilder (Shadow Pictures) - Directed by Helmut Wimmer, experimental short film, Austria 1986
FILM | Lost Zweig
Leading role, Directed by Sylvio Back, Brazil 2001/2002
Ruth Rieser as Lotte Zweig, who willingly joins her husband in a double suicide.
“Lost Zweig” with Ruth Rieser in the female lead, drew great interest from the press at the international film festival in Rio de Janeiro (September 23 through October 7, 2004). More than the film itself, the portrayal of Lotte, the poet’s wife, won praise. An excerpt from a Brazilian daily newspaper:
„Especially noteworthy is the achievement of Ruth Rieser. She manages to impart to her character a great richness and depth. She can be credited with shaping the most impressive sequence of the entire film: the hours before her suicide, without words, but with a diversity of emotions that we feel through her wondrous silence.„ (O Globo, Rio de Janeiro)
FILM | Gebürtig (Native Born)
Leading role, Directed by Robert Schindel and Lukas Stepanik (Austria/Germany/Poland 2001)
Ruth Rieser as journalist Susanne Ressel, who persuades Hermann Gebirtig to fly from New York to Vienna, to appear as a witness in a Nazi trial.
"Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", Thursday, April 22, 2004.
FILM | Nach Norden (Northward)
Leading role, Directed by David Spaeth, Short film, Germany 2000
Ruth Rieser as the adventuresome owner of a mobile home
FILM | Schuld der Liebe (Love’s Guilt)
Directed by Andreas Gruber, Austria
Ruth Rieser as a mysterious woman who has gone missing.
FILM | The Joseph Trilogy / Part 2 - Blindgänger (Duds)
Leading role, Directed by Thomas Woschitz, 30 minute feature film, Austria
Ruth Rieser as the farmer’s daughter, Mira, who longs to leave home..
FILM | The more I see you
Directed by J. Aichholzer, Austria
Ruth Rieser as nocturnal conversational partner at a bar.